Etiology & Pathogenesis
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Observation, Interrogation, Hearing & Smelling Diagnosis
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Tongue & Pulse Diagnosis
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Zang Fu Pattern Diagnosis
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All 6 /All Patterns 6 /Biomedicne 0 /Bladder Channel 0 /Bladder Patterns 1 /Case Studies 0 /Etiology & Pathogenesis 0 /Extraordinary Vessels Channels 0 /Gallbladder Channel 0 /Gallbladder Patterns 1 /Heart Channel 0 /Heart Patterns 1 /Intake Diagnosis 0 /Kidney Channel 0 /Kidney Patterns 1 /Large Intestine Channel 0 /Large Intestine Patterns 1 /Liver Channel 0 /Liver Patterns 1 /Lung Channel 0 /Lung Patterns 0 /Mini Mock Exams 0 /Modalities 0 /Other Diagnosis 0 /PDF 0 /Pericardium Channel 0 /Pericardium Patterns 0 /Ren & Du Channel 0 /Safety 0 /San Jiao Channel 0 /San Jiao Patterns 0 /Small Intestine Channel 0 /Small Intestine Patterns 0 /Special Channels 0 /Special Points 0 /Spleen Channel 0 /Spleen Patterns 0 /Stomach Channel 0 /Stomach Patterns 0 /TCM Foundations 0 /Tongue & Pulse 0 /Uncategorized 0

Bladder Patterns Quiz
March 15, 2023/by katee.luecke
Gallbladder Patterns Quiz
March 15, 2023/by katee.luecke
Heart Patterns Quiz
March 15, 2023/by katee.luecke
Kidney Patterns Quiz
March 15, 2023/by katee.luecke
Large Intestine Patterns Quiz
March 15, 2023/by katee.luecke